Innovation Station: Upland South Webinar

Innovation Station: Upland South Webinar

The Innovation Station: Upland South, [is] the third 2024 installment of the Innovation Station virtual event series convened by the Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues at the U.S. Department of State. Inspired by topics of importance to communities in the U.S. Upland South region and beyond, the event will amplify women-led programs, organizations, and initiatives that address opportunities and challenges related to the music industry, sustainable distilleries, and textiles. These themes are relevant to both domestic and international locations, and the featured innovators will discuss ways in which their strategies are translatable across communities and countries.

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Environmental Forum: Sharing Our Stories

Environmental Forum: Sharing Our Stories

On Tuesday, May 7th The Lens and Hip Hop Caucus will present an Environmental Justice Media Roundtable focussing on Louisiana Climate Change.

The event, Environmental Forum: Sharing Our Stories, will feature local media outlets and community activists. Each panelist will share an environmental story that is important to their community and how they did this story. La’Shance Perry, The Lens’ photojournalist, will explain the importance of photojournalism in environmental reporting and how to do it well. The Lens’ Deputy Editor, Marta Jewson, will outline the role of public records as they relate to past Lens environmental stories. The roundtable will be moderated by Hip Hop Caucus' senior director of storytelling and communications, Brittany Bell Surratt.

Register on Eventbrite here.

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America's Drinking Water Crisis and How to Solve It online discussion

America's Drinking Water Crisis and How to Solve It online discussion

As part of National Drinking Water Week, Community Water Center is hosting a virtual discussion on drinking water affordability with frontline leaders across the U.S. They will be discussing solutions, and how we can advance efforts to ensure a basic necessity like water needs the same government support as telephones and internet to ensure access for all. Sign up here

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States of Play: Local Legislation, National Impacts

States of Play: Local Legislation, National Impacts

Join us for Taproot Earth's new #StatesofPlay webinar series where we'll host meaningful discussions with frontline leaders as they provide insight into the current political and policy landscapes of key states: Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky & Pennsylvania. We'll also discuss practical solutions communities can use to combat the impacts of rising authoritarianism in their neighborhoods.

Register here.

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Bayou Culture Collaborative Zoom Meeting

Bayou Culture Collaborative Zoom Meeting

Please join the Bayou Culture Collaborative for our April Gathering of people and organizations focused on preserving Louisiana’s heritage and examining the effects of land loss on local culture.

Melissa M. Martin, chef and owner of Mosquito Supper Club in New Orleans, LA will talk about how her work celebrates the bounty of fishermen and farmers that define bayou cuisine.

Use the QR code to sign up via this link.

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CRCL’s Marsh Grass Planting Event

CRCL’s Marsh Grass Planting Event

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Plastic Pollution Coalition Free Webinar: Plastic-Free Seas: Diving Into How Plastic Impacts Health, Climate, and Our Oceans

Plastic Pollution Coalition Free Webinar: Plastic-Free Seas: Diving Into How Plastic Impacts Health, Climate, and Our Oceans

Healthy oceans provide vast cognitive, emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual wellness Blue Mind benefits to all of us throughout our lives. The oceans cover more than three-quarters of Earth’s surface and account for 97 percent of its water, as well as much of the air we breathe. The oceans support an incredible array of life, help regulate the climate, and support life on our blue planet. Unfortunately, our oceans face significant threats from human-made pollution, particularly plastic. Experts estimate nine to 14 million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans each year, and without urgent action, that amount will only increase—projected to reach 23–37 million metric tons annually by the year 2040.

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Mississippi River Network: How Farm Bill Helps Create a Healthier Mississippi River

Mississippi River Network: How Farm Bill Helps Create a Healthier Mississippi River

What does agriculture and the Farm Bill have to do with our Mississippi River? Whether you are a farmer or someone who cares about the relationship between food, farms, and the River, please join us to learn more about this important piece of legislation and how it can be used to protect our River. The webinar will be held via Zoom on Friday, June 16, at noon CT.

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Mississippi River Network: Climate Science Needs on the Mississippi River Webinar

Mississippi River Network: Climate Science Needs on the Mississippi River Webinar

Extreme natural disaster events are occurring more frequently in our Mississippi River basin, and the costs associated with extreme events will continue to rise.  In 2020, the U.S. saw an average annual loss of $32 billion from flooding, and that cost could rise by up to $41 billion by 2050, according to a study published in Nature. But have you thought about how the management of the Mississippi River affects climate change? Join Olivia Dorothy, River Restoration Director with American Rivers, to explore not only how climate change is impacting communities – and especially communities of color – along the Mississippi River, but also how the Mississippi River is contributing to climate change. This presentation is adapted from a USGS forum and will highlight specific research needs and questions.

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Mississippi River Network: Reckoning with the Environmental Movement's History for a More Equitable Future Webinar

Mississippi River Network: Reckoning with the Environmental Movement's History for a More Equitable Future Webinar

"Conservation and environmental organizations have recently begun contending with the racial exclusion and injustice that defined their creation and much of their existence. This session explores environmental history and how it fits into the larger context of social history in the U.S.. Through a timeline of events through the early 20th century, the session will reveal that despite their intent, conservation was not a categorically benevolent force, and in fact harmed Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color across Turtle Island." 

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Climate Cafe Online by Climate Psychology Alliance

Climate Cafe Online by Climate Psychology Alliance

As it becomes more evident that climate and ecological breakdown are a clear and present danger to our safety and wellbeing, we increasingly need to talk about what our changing world means for us in terms of impacts at personal, family and societal level. We need to imagine it in some detail so as to be able to think about it clearly and constructively, and to explore some complex feelings and thoughts which may often be taboo and hard to talk about.

With sturdy enough support structures in place, most people can sustain challenging feelings without either dissociating and numbing or going into blind panic. They can engage with difficult truths whilst staying connected and grounded.

A climate café aims to be such a structure - a container that is strong enough to allow the exploration of fear, anxiety, and other emotions such as anger, helplessness, sadness, grief or depression.

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350 New Orleans: Carbon Capture Legislative Wrap-Up Event

350 New Orleans: Carbon Capture Legislative Wrap-Up Event

This year at the state capital, lawmakers brought in legislation and projects tied to Carbon Capture in Louisiana. But we need to recognize the truth: Carbon Capture is a false solution that will only enable more pollution and environmental injustice…Join us at 800 Homer Plessy Way New Orleans to learn more about the legislation surrounding carbon capture projects.

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Get the Lead Out

Get the Lead Out

Join the Water Collaborative, Total Community Action, Civic Studio, and the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans for the first of three Lead Service Line Open Studios.

Why is there lead in our pipes and what can we do about it? Learn about our drinking water system, how lead affects the human body, and possible plans for funding for future replacement of lead service lines.

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